9 Ideas That Help with Increasing Connection in Your Relationship During the Holidays

The holidays can be filled with stress and expectations. These can sometimes lead to increased frustration and conflict. Below are some suggestions for ideas that focus on increasing your connection and intimacy in your relationship this holiday season. You’ll notice that instead of tangible gifts, I’m recommending activities and spending time to help increase your connection with your partner.

1. Create a meal: Go to a local grocery store and pick out ingredients for a meal. Have one of you be in charge of drinks and appetizers and the other in charge of the main course and dessert. Then go home and cook together.

2. Take a class together: It could be a cooking class, dance class, learn a new language or star gaze. Take turns deciding what class you take to learn something new together.

3. Go for a drive: Hop in the car, turn on some tunes and drive. The passenger will be in charge of directing where to go. You can plan your destination or play the fun game of taking random lefts and rights to see where you might end up!

4. Couples Massage: Or even a spa day. It will be great for both of you to relax and unwind. Here’s a hack to help this be cheaper: book massages at the same time rather than be in the same room together.

5. Local sports: Look up the schedules for local professional sports teams or even colleges/universities and check out a game. Go all out cheering for the home team.

6. Practice gratitude: Start a gratitude journal together or write things down on slips of paper that you appreciate about each other throughout the year. and put them in a jar At the end of the year take turns reading the things that you’ve written and reflect together.

7. Laugh it off: go to a comedy club and see someone that’s well known or the open mic night. Laughing together is a great way to feel close to your

8. Agree to put down the distractions: Disconnect from your phones, tablets and tvs and focus on each other. Play a board or card game. Get a card deck that focuses on communication, intimacy, sex and/or strengthening relationships and ask each other the questions. Promote quality time!

9. Couples Therapy: Are you surprised? Give you and your sweetie the most precious gift- dedicated time to work on and improve your relationship.

Happy Holidays!


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